Thursday, June 9, 2011

Literary Devices!

A)  Page 117: “tick tock…” This is onomatopoeia.
B) Onomatopoeia is the sound of the word mimics the sound to which it refers.  
C) This is onomatopoeia because the words mimic the sound of the clock.

A) Page 116: “It was the longest day…” This is a hyperbole. 
B) Hyperbole is an intended exaggeration.
C) This is hyperbole because every day has the same length of time, so a specific day can’t be the longest. 

A) Page 113: “brilliant patterns of red and orange danced inside her eyelids.”  This is  personification. 
B) Personification is ascribing human qualities to inanimate objects, animals, or ideas. 
C) This is personification because patterns can’t dance. Human qualities are given to the patterns. 

A) Page 110: “…body broken.” This is alliteration.
B) Alliteration is the repetition of the initial sounds in words.
C) This is alliteration because “body broken” have the same initial sound.

A) Page 108: “Winnie watched the sky slide into blackness…” This is imagery.
B) Imagery is a mental picture created from certain descriptions.
C) This is imagery because you can imagine the sky suddenly turning black in your mind.

A) Page 105: “…the constable’s breath wheezing in her ears…” This in onomatopoeia.
B) Onomatopoeia is the sound of the word mimics the sound to which it refers.
C) This is onomatopoeia because “wheezing” is the word that mimics the sound his breath was making. 

A) Page 102: “Ding –dang it…” This is euphemism.
B) Euphemism is an inoffensive expression substituted for another that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.  
C) This is euphemism because the man is using the words, “Ding-dang” instead of swearing and using an offensive word.

A) Page 94: “Who in tarnation do you think…” This is euphemism.
B) Euphemism is an inoffensive expression substituted for another that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.  
C) This is euphemism because the man is using the word, “tarnation” instead swearing and using an offensive word.

A) Page 97: “Mae’s face drained of color…” This is a hyperbole.
B) Hyperbole is an extended exaggeration.
C)  This is a hyperbole because  can’t really drain of color. 

A) Page 99: “His eyes were like blind firepoints…” This is a simile. 
B) A simile is a comparison using “like or “as”.
C) This is a simile because it is comparing eyes to blind firepoints by using the word  “like.”   

A) Page 99: “She held Tuck’s long-forgotten shotgun by the barrel, like a club.” This is a simile. 
B) A simile is a comparison using “like” or “as”.
C) This is a simile because it is comparing the way Mae held on to the gun to a  club using the word “like.”     

A) Page 100: “Your selfishness is really quite extraordinary…” This is irony.
B) Irony is the expression of words used to convey an opposite meaning from the usual sense.  
C) This is irony because the stranger calls the Tucks selfish when he is the most selfish because he wants to sell the water and make a fortune for himself. 

A) Page 100: “Her arms swung the shotgun round her head, like a wheel.” This is a simile. 
B) A simile is a comparison using “like” or “as”. 
C) This is a simile because it is comparing the way her arms swung to a wheel using the word “like.” 

14.A) Page 100: “He dropped like a tree…” This is a simile.
B) A simile is a comparison using “like” or “as”.
C) This is a simile because it is comparing the way he dropped to a tree using the word “like.”

A) Page 103: “…it was as if he were entranced and-yes, envious- like a starving man looking through a window at a banquet.” This is a simile. 
B) A simile is a comparison using “like” or “as.”
C) This is a simile because it is comparing the way Tuck was looking at the stranger to the way a starving man looks through the window at a banquet using the word “like.”   


  1. This is very nice to use. I was satisfied with the anwsers i will definitly use this site again. Excuse the atrotious spelling for i am only in the 8th grade

  2. hello i'am in grade 7 and my test was due today but this website helped me finish in time(all the answers re here!)

  3. i use this again soon enough

    1. Sir in the kindest way possible please stop cursing kids are going through these comments and seeing your posts, thank you
