The stranger first learned about the Tucks when his grandmother told him stories about the Tucks and how they never aged. His grandmother knew all of this because her friend was married to Miles and she later stayed with the grandmother after leaving Miles forever.
The stranger wants the wood and the spring so he could sell the water from the spring and make a lot of money. He would then become rich because people would pay anything to have everlasting life.
What offer does the stranger make the tucks? How do they react?
Why does Mae Tuck strike the stranger?
Why does Winnie feel that she must keep Mae Tuck from going to the gallows?
How does Winnie's family treat her when she returns home?
When Winnie returns home, her mother was weeping, her father had been speechless, and her grandmother was very excited to see her. They all treated her kindly and nicely and they also didn’t ask a lot of questions.
How does the weather change as Winnie and the Tucks help Mae escape? How does the weather aid in the rescue?
How does Winnie help Mae get away? Have you ever done anything you knew you would get in trouble for because you felt it was the right thing to do?
Winnie helped Mae get away by taking her place in jail cell so that Mae could get far enough before the police caught her. None of us feel that we have done anything we would get in trouble for because we haven’t yet been in a situation like that.